- Q: What’s purple and commutes?
- A: An abelian grape.
- 问:什么东西是紫色且可交换的?
- 答:阿贝尔葡萄。
- 问:什么东西是紫色且可交换的?
- 答:阿贝尔裙。
A bunch of Polish scientists decided to flee their repressive government by hijacking an airliner and forcing the pilot to fly them to a western country. They drove to the airport, forced their way on board a large passenger jet, and found there was no pilot on board. Terrified, they listened as the sirens got louder. Finally, one of the scientists suggested that since he was an experimentalist, he would try to fly the aircraft. He sat down at the controls and tried to figure them out. The sirens got louder and louder. Armed men surrounded the jet. The would-be pilot’s friends cried out, “Please, please take off now!!! Hurry!!!” The experimentalist calmly replied, “Have patience. I’m just a simple pole in a complex plane.”
A group of Polish tourists is flying on a small airplane through the Grand Canyon on a sightseeing tour. The tour guide announces: “On the right of the airplane, you can see the famous Bright Angle Falls.” The tourists leap out of their seats and crowd to the windows on the right side. This causes a dynamic imbalance, and the plane violently rolls to the side and crashes into the canyon wall. All aboard are lost. The moral of this episode is: always keep your poles off the right side of the plane.
- Q: How many topologists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- A: Just one, but what will you do with the doughnut?
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个拓扑学家?
- 答:只要一个,但你拿着甜甜圈干什么?
- Q: How many number theorists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- A: This is not known, but it is conjectured to be an elegant prime.
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个数论学家?
- 答:不知道,据推测会是一个优雅的素数。
- Q: How many geometers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- A: None. You can’t do it with a straightedge and compass.
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个几何学家?
- 答:零。你不可能用尺规作图完成。
- Q: How many analysts does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- A: Three. One to prove existence, one to prove uniqueness, and one to derive a nonconstructive algorithm to do it.
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个分析家?
- 答:三个。一个证明解的存在性,一个证明解的唯一性,还有一个推导一种非构造算法来实现它。
- Q: How many Bourbakists does it take to replace a lightbulb?
- A: Changing a lightbulb is a special case of a more general theorem concerning the maintenance and repair of an electrical system. To establish upper and lower bounds for the number of personnel required, we must determine whether the sufficient conditions of Lemma 2.1 (Availability of personnel) and those of Corollary 2.3.55 (Motivation of personnel) apply. If and only if these conditions are met, we derive the result by an application of the theorems in Sections 3.1123. The resulting upper bound is, of course, a result in an abstract measure space, in the weak-topology.
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个 Bourbakists?
- 答:换灯泡是关于维护和修理一个电气系统这个一般性定理的一个特例。为了确立该问题所需员工人数的上下限,我们必须确保引理 2.1(人员可用性) 以及推论 2.3.55(人员积极性)的充分条件成立。当且仅当这些条件成立时,我们可应用第 3.1123 节的定理求解。当然,此上限是在弱拓扑学中一个抽象测度空间的结果。
- Q: How many mathematicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- A: 0.999999…
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个数学家?
- 答:0.999999… 个。
- Q: How many lightbulbs does it take to change a lightbulb?
- A: One, if it knows its own Gödel number.
- 问:换一个灯泡需要几个灯泡?
- 答:一个,如果这个灯泡知道它的哥德尔编码的话。
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
- A: Gödel: It cannot be proved whether the chicken crossed the road.
- 问:鸡为什么过马路?
- 答:哥德尔:无法证明鸡有没有过马路。
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
- A: Erdös: It was forced to do so by the chicken-hole principle.
- 问:鸡为什么过马路?
- 答:埃尔多斯:根据鸡洞原则,它必须这么做。
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
- A: Riemann: The answer appears in Dirichlet’s lectures.
- 问:鸡为什么过马路?
- 答:黎曼:答案见狄利克雷讲义。
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
- A: Fermat: It did not fit on the margin on this side.
- 问:鸡为什么过马路?
- 答:费马:因为路这边的空间不够了。
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
- A: To get to the other-er…
- 问:鸡为什么过莫比乌斯圈?
- 答:去另外,呃……
- Q: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
- A: To get to the same side.
- 问:鸡为什么过莫比乌斯圈?
- 答:去同一边。
Engineers think that equations approximate the real world. Physicists think that the real world approximates equations. Mathematicians are unable to make the connection.
An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician are staying in a hotel. The engineer wakes up and smells smoke. He goes out into the hallway and sees a fire, so he fills a trash can from his room with water and douses the fire. He goes back to bed. Later, the physicist wakes up and smells the smoke. He opens his door and sees a fire in the hallway. He walks down the hall to a fire hose and after calculating the flame velocity, distance, water pressure, trajectory, and so forth, extinguishes the fire with the minimum amount of water and energy needed. Later the mathematician wakes up and smells smoke. He goes to the hall, sees the fire and then the fire hose. He thinks for a moment and then exclaims, “Ah, a solution exists!” and then goes back to bed.
One day a farmer called up an engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician and asked them to fence in the largest possible area with the least amount of fence. The engineer made the fence in a circle and proclaimed that he had the most efficient design. The physicist made a long, straight line and proclaimed “We can assume the length is infinite…” and pointed out that fencing off half of the Earth was certainly a more efficient way to do it. The mathematician just laughed at them. He built a tiny fence around himself and said, “I declare myself to be on the outside.”
A biologist, a physicist, and a mathematician were sitting in a street café watching the crowd. Across the street they saw a man and a woman entering a building. Ten minutes later they reappeared together with a third person. “They have multiplied,” said the biologist. “Oh no, an error in measurement,” the physicist sighed. “If exactly one person enters the building now, it will be empty again,” the mathematician concluded.
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were traveling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. “Aha,” says the engineer, “I see that Scottish sheep are black.” “Hmm,” says the physicist, “You mean that some Scottish sheep are black.” “No,” says the mathematician, “All we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, and that at least one side of that one sheep is black!”
Three men are in a hot-air balloon. Soon, they find themselves lost in a canyon somewhere. One of the three men says, “I’ve got an idea. We can call for help in this canyon and the echo will carry our voices far.” So he leans over the basket and yells out, “Helloooooo! Where are we?” (They hear the echo several times.) Fifteen minutes later, they hear this echoing voice: “Hellooooo! You’re lost!!” One of the men says, “That must have been a mathematician.” Puzzled, one of the other men asks, “Why do you say that?” The reply: “For three reasons: (1) He took a long time to answer, (2) he was absolutely correct, and (3) his answer was absolutely useless.”
One day the Wiener family was scheduled to move into a new house. Mrs. Wiener, mindful of her husband’s propensity for forgetting, wrote the new address on a slip of paper and handed it to him. He scoffed, saying, “I wouldn’t forget such an important thing,” but he took the slip of paper and put it in his pocket. Later that same day at the university a colleague came by his office with an interesting problem. Wiener searched for a piece of paper and took the slip from his pocket to use to write some mathematical equations. When he finished, he crumpled up the slip of paper and threw it away. That evening, he remembered there was something about a new house but he couldn’t find the slip of paper with the address on it. Without any alternative course of action, he returned to his old home, where he spotted a little girl on the sidewalk. “Say, little girl,” he said, “Do you know where the Wieners live?” The girl replied, “That’s o.k., Daddy, Mommy sent me to get you.”